Saturday, December 31, 2011

Reflection in a letter

Today is New Year's Eve.  As I'm picking up the kitchen, I started reflecting on this past year.  Suddenly, I felt compelled to start writing stuff down...the old fashioned way, nonetheless.  I started jotting things down and before I knew it, I was writing a letter to our 'not yet conceived' child.  I decided I would share it.

Dear Sweet Baby,

Where are you?  This year has come and gone, and you're still not here.  I know it just isn't time for you to be here yet, and I need to be more patient while I wait, but I'm so anxious for you to come to this Earth to be with me and your daddy.  We already love you so much and we'll keep waiting for you, but know we are so excited for you to arrive.

It's been a hard year without you.  Last New Year's was around the time that I realized you were going to be more "elusive" than we had originally thought.  I thought you would be here shortly after we decided to start trying for you....but it didn't work out that way.  In the meantime, I've watched countless friends go from not conceiving and giving spending their first holiday season with their sweet babies....and here we are.  It's like everyone around us has changed and grown, yet we're exactly where we were a year ago.
Only we're not.  Although you're not here yet, lots has changed.  I've spent the last year taking my temperature where the 'sun don't shine', peeing on sticks, getting stuck with acupuncture needles, changing my lifestyle and diet, only to give up on "giving up" on things I enjoyed.  I've put foreign, synthetic chemical in my body to make my eggs and our chances better, with little to no change in things.  I've switched doctors, had countless ultrasounds, viles of blood drawn, Hell, I'm even currently on birth control to "reboot" my system.  Birth control!!  Ironic, huh?

So here I am, in the last day of 2011.  I know I could look back on this year and feel sorry for myself (which I have at times....and that's ok, too) or I could look to 2012 and think "THIS is the year our sweet baby is conceived in love and joins us in this world."  I'm going to stick with the latter way of thinking.

In 10 short days I go in for another ultrasound and blood work to see if this next cycle we can start injections, hopefully bringing you one step closer to this world.  Until then, sweet baby, stay close to Jesus in heaven and know your daddy and I are down here, praying for patience, strength, and hope until it is your turn to leave Him and come down here with us.

We love you, sweet baby.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I jinxed it.

Maybe I should have waited a couple days before I blogged about our busted cycle.  Maybe then I wouldn't have jinxed myself after handing the news so well.  Maybe I should have gone to Wal-Mart and picked up the prescription trigger shot last week when they called and said it was in....then that way I wouldn't have been picking up prenatal vitamins, Novarel, and birth control pills all at the same time yesterday afternoon. 

I went to get my prescriptions yesterday, since the nurse told me to start the birth control pills today (Thursday).  I show up and they pulled out 2 prescriptions (my trigger shot that I had already ordered before my period even started and a refill of my prenatals)-but no birth control.  The lady behind the counter stared at me blankly saying there was no record of that prescription.  So there I was, standing at the Wal-Mart Pharmacy counter, calling my doctor's office to see where the hell this prescription is, to which the nurse's response was, "well we called it in yesterday.  I don't know why they don't have it."  After about 15 minutes of this, all for a drug that I really don't WANT to take and goes against everything we've been doing for the last 1 1/2 years (...I know, why I'm on it and whatever, it's was just the principle behind the matter....birth control while TTC..ugh) they finally figured out it was called into the wrong Wal-Mart.  Needless to say, we got it taken care of, and I walked out with all 3 of my oxy-moronic meds. 

I don't know why, but this was the proverbial 'straw that broke the camel's back.'  As I was walking out of Wal-Mart I could feel the sting of tears in my eyes and my throat tightening.  Dammit, you're not gonna do this....MAN UP!!! But it was too late.  All my "Polly Positive" energy was gone-I was losing it in the Wal-Mart parking lot. 

That night, DH knew instantly that something was the matter.  (I don't know what gave it away...maybe my puffy eyes and the goblet-sized wine glass filled to the brim?)  He didn't push the issue until I hardly ate supper, ignored 2 phone calls, and said I was going to bed--at 8:30.  Once I realized he wasn't going to leave it alone and he wanted to talk about it, my temper-tantrum of the year began.  I sobbed and sobbed for nearly an hour as he held me and took on the role of Pollyanna.  The last three months I've been so strong, so positive about everything, and in one (rather large) crying fit I felt like I was back to my neurotic self that I had been this summer--someone I really didn't like being.

Today I started the birth control.  Today is a new day.  We're one day closer to our child.  My utter meltdown has passed and I've picked myself up and dusted off.  I'll be okay....only if my meltdown-induced headache hadn't resurfaced this morning....after an Excedrin migraine, maybe I'll be back to 100%.  

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Waiting...and waiting...

For the first time--probably ever-- I can honestly say I was excited for CD 1.  This new cycle would bring the start of the next leg of the race-injections.  So in between our appointment with the RE and now, time has been slllllllloooowwwwwwllllyyyyyy passing by...until last week.  FINALLY! I started spotting last Wednesday, so I knew it would be on its way.  Now, my annoying spotting can last anywhere from two days to a week.  I was hoping it would be closer to the two days.  After four days of teasing, Sunday was the real day: CYCLE DAY ONE!!!!

I called my doctor's office early Sunday morning, they faxed the order for blood work and ultrasound to my doctor in Kearney, and Monday morning I called to set up the CD 3 appointment.  The only thing standing between me and the next step was the blood work and ultrasound.  My RE had told me the reason for the CD ultrasound was to make sure there were no cysts and the blood work was to make sure all the hormone numbers were where they should be.

So yesterday morning I had my CD 3 appointment.  I spent the entire day with my phone 6 inches from my hand at all time, anxiously awaiting the call from my RE with the go-ahead and my injection dosage.  Well, that's not what I got.  (Of course not, right, because WHY would something just work out the first time for me?!)

As it turned out, the ultrasound indicated no cysts, but my lining was still super thick--12mm ("...on the bright side, we know you don't have a lining issue," said the nurse on the phone).  However, that's not "a big deal," she said.  The kicker--my lab work was NOT what it should have been.  Estradiol was a staggering 140.  It's supposed to be <50.  This cycle is already a complete bust.  F*CK.  So the next step now???  (Oh and I love the irony of this one....) birth control pills to "re-boot" my system.  BAHAHA!  It's actually quite hilarious! Birth control pills when your TTC?!  DH made a good point, though.  He said, "I'd rather have to wait another 3 weeks and do it right, than waste our time and money if everything doesn't look good."  And I totally agree with him.  I actually took the news much better than I had expected. 

So here we are, waiting...and waiting...and waiting, yet again.  I guess this is just another detour on our journey.  The good news is I plan to thoroughly enjoy my Christmas break with lots of wine, food, and good company.  I've considered chasing my birth control pill with lovely shiraz....think that's okay?  :)  The other good news, at least on the pill I won't have an almost 40 day cycle like this last one was....god that sucks. 

I know this wait is another part of God's plan and I'm pretty proud of myself for not throwing a temper-tantrum because of the wait.  I guess it's really an appropriate time of the year, too.  As I reflect on this wait, I think about the Advent season and how we're awaiting the birth of Christ.  Just as God is preparing our hearts for our Lord this time of year, He too, is preparing my heart for the rest of our journey.  It reminds me of a song by John Waller......

I'm waiting, I'm waiting on You Lord
And I am hopeful, I'm waiting on You Lord
Though it is painful, but patiently I will wait

And I will move ahead bold and confident

Taking every step in obedience

While I'm waiting I will serve You

While I'm waiting I will worship
While I'm waiting I will not faint
I'll be running the race even while I wait

I'm waiting, I'm waiting on You Lord

And I am peaceful, I'm waiting on You Lord
Though it's not easy no, but faithfully I will wait
Yes, I will wait

And I will move ahead bold and confident

Taking every step in obedience 
While I'm waiting I will serve You
While I'm waiting I will worship
While I'm waiting I will not faint
I'll be running the race even while I wait

I will move ahead bold and confident

I'll be taking every step in obedience, yeah

While I'm waiting I will serve You

While I'm waiting I will worship
While I'm waiting I will not faint

And I will serve You while I'm waiting

I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting on You Lord

We'll pick this journey up again in a month.....what's one more month, right???  And in the meantime....I will wait.