Yes, I still exist. Yes, my pregnancy does, too. In fact....we are growin' twins! Everything involved in the first trimester was so crazy and overwhelming. I felt like I couldn't say it out loud....write it, type it, or anything. I thought if I did, maybe I would jinx it and it would all go away.
Thankfully, it hasn't and I FINALLY feel comfortable enough to say it, type it, SCREAM IT--WE'RE HAVING TWINS!!!!!
Not much to say about the first trimester, to be honest. Overwhelming, scary, freaked out, but overall I physically felt pretty good. Although it went fast, being petite and pregnant with twins, I've been changing fast! Take a look....
I did find a bunch of fun "blogger-type" questions that I've been answering through this pregnancy. I think I'll start posting them here as well! So, here's the latest!
How far along? 15w, 6 d, 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: up to a consistent 115-116…on a good bloated day 117!
Maternity clothes? Oh yes, when I’m in public. At home it’s t-shirts and cotton shorts
Stretch marks? Not yet, but the belly be round, that’s for sure!
Sleep: It’s ok. Laying on my side is hard still. My shoulder & hip starts to hurt to so roll to my other side, but rolling isn’t the easiest anymore, either. I pretty much wake myself up, sit up, and then turn over. It’s only going to get worse J
Best moment this week: My mom was here to help with step 1 of office-turned-nursery transformation. Got everything moved and organized to the basement!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!!! It was facebook official yesterday, Friday 6-15! I put a picture with a pair of my shoes, Heath’s boots, and a 2 pairs of green & purple booties along with the caption, “Here’s our latest project! We’re expanding our home by FOUR feet!! Estimated completion date: November 2012!!!
Total weight gain/loss: up to a consistent 115-116…on a good bloated day 117!
Maternity clothes? Oh yes, when I’m in public. At home it’s t-shirts and cotton shorts
Stretch marks? Not yet, but the belly be round, that’s for sure!
Sleep: It’s ok. Laying on my side is hard still. My shoulder & hip starts to hurt to so roll to my other side, but rolling isn’t the easiest anymore, either. I pretty much wake myself up, sit up, and then turn over. It’s only going to get worse J
Best moment this week: My mom was here to help with step 1 of office-turned-nursery transformation. Got everything moved and organized to the basement!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!!! It was facebook official yesterday, Friday 6-15! I put a picture with a pair of my shoes, Heath’s boots, and a 2 pairs of green & purple booties along with the caption, “Here’s our latest project! We’re expanding our home by FOUR feet!! Estimated completion date: November 2012!!!
Miss Anything? Sort of missing wine, but I think it’s
more the social aspect of it…I wetted my lips with my sis’ glass of wine the
other night, yuck.
Movement: the little flutters continue, but they quickly stop if I start pressing my tummy. Need to try to not touch my belly when they start.
Movement: the little flutters continue, but they quickly stop if I start pressing my tummy. Need to try to not touch my belly when they start.
Food cravings: Not really, still working hard to focus
on high protein and cal intake, but I’m not charting my every meal
anymore. I figured out my average
a day is around 2,500 cal and 100 g of protein. I think I’m doing ok.
I’ve gained about 1 lb each week since charting.
Anything making
you queasy or sick: the last week I’ve had 3
incidents where I felt sick and like I was going to pass out….coulda been low
blood sugar, or maybe I got a little overheated.
Have you started to show yet: oh yah.
Have you started to show yet: oh yah.
Gender prediction: 2 boys? Ha, I dunno. Find out in 2 weeks!
Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? Quickly becoming an outie!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy…and tired!
Looking forward to: next week—meeting up with some old classmates on Thursday and appointment on Friday
Belly Button in or out? Quickly becoming an outie!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy…and tired!
Looking forward to: next week—meeting up with some old classmates on Thursday and appointment on Friday
Next Appointment: “first ob” appointment on Friday, 6-22. I will have had to wait 3 weeks for
this appointment. Totally going
crazy waiting to see them again.