Wednesday, November 14, 2012

They're here!

Wow....our journey has come to an end.  Our beautiful baby girls arrived on October 22, 2012!!  It's almost surreal having them here.  They are absolutely amazing!  Avery Isabelle & Madelyn Leona were born via surprise c-section at 34wk, 4days gestation. 

I had a regular appointment on October 17th for an ultrasound and nonstress test to make sure everything was looking good.  Surprisingly, we discovered I was 3cm dilated and my doctor put me on a modified bed rest, basically told me I was done working.  Well, 5 days later, I woke up and something just felt "off".  I called my doctor's office and they scheduled me to come in that morning just to check everything out and make sure it was "nothing."  I almost didn't make Heath come with me because I thought I was being paranoid.  Our appointment was scheduled for 11:30am.  My doctor did the internal exam and SURPRISE!  I was 5cm dilated (without feeling any contractions besides what I was calling Braxton Hicks contractions) and baby A was no longer head down...instead my doctor felt feet!  She sent us directly to the hospital and our sweet girls were born several hours later! 

At 1:55pm, baby A, Avery, came out (feet first) weighing 5lb, 8oz 19" long.  Her little sister, Madelyn, came out at 1:56pm weighing 4lb, 10oz, 19" long.  They were (and still are!) so beautiful.  We spent 12 days in the NICU with some minor feeding issues and everyone has been home now for a week and a half.  The transition home has been pretty good; of course having my mom here to help has made a huge difference.  I tear up just thinking about her leaving next week, but I'm sure we'll all be fine!

I still can't believe we have come so far.  We are so blessed...and in love.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Getting closer....

Wow.  I'm 30 weeks along with these little ladies.  It's almost hard to believe!  Things have been relatively uneventful, which is awesome!  These girls are "all belly" as someone put it--and I'm super thankful for that as well!  However, my back would disagree.  The 34 lbs I've gained are literally all in my belly.  Besides the hellacious indigestion & heartburn, which causes sleep to be not-so-fun and an aching back, I really can't complain!!  How lucky am I???

It's so surreal that they could be here as soon as NEXT MONTH!!!   We are coming right along with everything we need to do to be ready for them (besides having any clue how in the world to take care of twins....).  The office (with mustardy-green shag carpet and wood paneling) has slowly transformed into a darling nursery with gray walls, new light & outlet fixtures, and new carpet (as of Wednesday!).  The cribs/crib mattresses have been taking up wall space in the living room, anxious to be put together.  The dresser is patiently waiting to be brought upstairs into its new room.  It's safe to say that by the end of the weekend our nursery may actually look like a nursery--furniture and all!

My shower is also this weekend--so pumped!  My sister and sister-in-law are hosting a "country chic" theme, with cowgirl inspired decor, including our crib quilts.  I really can't wait to see all the good loot we're getting--mainly so I can figure out what we still need.  I have a bad case of "nesting" already and it's been so hard to refrain.  Come Sunday, though, all bets are off!  I'm washing, prepping, stocking, buying, storing, and cleaning everything that says baby in our house.  We are gonna be ready for these girlies....but I'm praying they still stay least for another 6 weeks (which may be pushing it, according to my MFM). 

Here's a picture from last weekend....we haven't taken the 30 week belly shot yet.  Better do that tonight.  I swear I'm growing by the hour!

Friday, August 3, 2012

We're seeing PINK!

After our last terrible appointment, we had to wait 3 weeks before we got to see the nuggets again.  Well, it's official now!!!  We are having GIRLS!!!!  WHAT??!  I was sooooo surprised!   I hadn't been looking at anything girly because I seriously thought we had some boy parts in there.  It's been so much fun looking at bows, tutus, dresses, and other girly things!  I don't want to say I was disappointed, but I was definitely surprised to learn they were both lil ladies.  I couldn't be more excited now, though!  Daddy had the biggest smile on his face when the doctor told us.

We had decided on some nursery colors before we knew genders-light gray walls and the aqua colored dresser I refurbished last summer/fall.  So we knew those colors were the main colors, but we weren't sure what we were going to accent with.  After many hours of looking at Etsy, we came up with our color palate: aqua, gray, red, and pink.  I know it sounds a little different, but trust me.  Here are some of the quilts that served as inspiration:
and fact, this is one we're going with, minus the green.  Heath doesn't like the green in it.

...and here is the fabric that their crib skirts will be made out of!

One more picture! This was taken at 21 weeks.  I'm almost 23 weeks right now!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

...and the babies genders are....who knows.

This week was our first appointment with the maternal-fetal medicine doctor (MFM) as well as our big anatomy scan.  We are lucky enough to have specialists from the University med center come out to Kearney once a month for these appointments, instead of us having to make the 3 1/2 hour drive to Omaha.  As of right now, we're only needing to see them once a month, starting at 18 weeks (which is how far along I am right now!)  Now, I appreciate the fact that they make the trip out here so we don't have to make the trip there, especially after our many drives there to see our RE.  Of course, we would make the drive if we had to, but it's nice that it's one less thing we have to do.  Or so I thought.

Our appointment was for 8:30 AM on Monday morning.  After waiting for a half hour in the waiting room (pretty typical), we were finally taken back where the nurse did her thing: weight, urine sample, BP, etc.  She tells us the doctor is still with her first patient and it would be a little while longer.   She puts us in a room and we wait some more.  Well, fast forward 45 minutes and the doctor's finally ready for us (mind you, we've been here for an hour & 15 minutes by this point, and I've peed once but of course have to go again).  We go into the tiny ass room and she starts the ultrasound without so much as a 'Hi, I'm Dr. So'n'so' (again, first time EVER with the MFM).  DH & I were already not impressed with our over hour long wait and this definitely put a sour taste in my mouth.  It also didn't help that she looked like she had just rolled out of bed.  I mean, literally.  Her hair was in a messy pony tail and she wasn't wearing a bra.  SHE WASN'T WEARING A BRA.  (As if it wasn't already obvious, she then bent over to pull out the table when her probably too low cut top proceeded to reveal her goods to me.) Um. Ok. I guess they weren't kidding when they say "anatomy scan."  I didn't realize a little peep show came with it.

She starts doing her thing without saying 2 words to us.  We both start getting antsy because we have no idea what she's doing.  DH starts asking questions and quickly she becomes annoyed (like, sighing, eye rolling, snide remarks and all) towards DH's questions (none of which were out of line, I didn't think.)  Now, after I went online and bitched to the December due date group on the bump website and someone mentioned that typically MFMs don't want you asking a lot of questions because they are trying to get precise measurements, did this make sense.  It would have been helpful if we had heard this from, oh, I don't know, our MFM?

About 20 minutes into the u/s I started feeling light-headed.  I'm not sure if it was the constant pushing of the u/s wand on my extremely full bladder, the 103 degree tiny ass room I was in, or the fact that I was lying flat on my back (something that I haven't liked doing since about 15 weeks).  After 5 minutes of trying to convince myself I was fine, I had to stop the ultrasound.  The dr. helped sit me up and I started sweating profusely and seeing stars.  The vaguely heard the doctor say she was going to get me some water when I asked DH to get the trashcan.  There it was: my first, official pregnancy vomit. Awesome.  As I'm puking, what do I do?  Why, piss myself, of course.  Double awesome.  The whole fiasco required us to stop everything, get me water and a fan to cool that god forsaken hot ass room down, and go to the bathroom.  15 minutes later we were ready to roll again.  Who the hell knows what time it is by now.  We get going again and I felt okay for the rest of the time, but it still took forever.

We get to the end of the u/s and DH asks again if we can find out the sex.  Her reply:  "it's too early."  (Sidenote: I had had an appt with my reg OB 10 days before, where my OB did look at the sexes.  I told her I didn't want to know because DH wasn't with me.  Bull shit it's "too early.")  Finally she glances at baby A and says, "well, I don't see boy parts, so it must be a girl."  She goes over to baby B and says, "well, this baby won't spread the legs, but there might be a penis. Boy."  Uhhhh....could ya check again and be a little more thorough? So she looks at A again, "well, maybe this one's a boy." Wait-you just said girl?! Screw it.  We left the doctor's office not actually knowing, so I decide to call and leave a message for my reg OB to call me when she's available.  She calls back and I ask if she remembers what they were for 10 days ago (she didn't write it in the chart, I was sure to check with the nurse before we left.)  Now, I know my OB has probably looked at over a 100 babies since she looked at mine.  Her response, "I can't really remember, but I feel like I thought they were both girls."  Wait, what?!  Now, in the course of a half hour, we had been told girl-boy, boy-boy, and girl-girl.   SO WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY?! Who the hell knows at this point.

The most frustrating part about this--we were planning a gender reveal party for this weekend.  Well, cancel that.  No genders to reveal.  The waiting game begins again.  July 23rd.  They better be on their best behavior and give up the money shots.  I'm tired of waiting!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Yes, I still exist.

Ok.  Not blogging for four months was only partly on purpose.  The on purpose part was because I was scared.  The not-so on purpose part was my pregnancy brain.  Since school's let it out I've been on summer mode, and plum forgot to post.

Yes, I still exist.  Yes, my pregnancy does, too.  In fact....we are growin' twins!  Everything involved in the first trimester was so crazy and overwhelming.  I felt like I couldn't say it out loud....write it, type it, or anything.  I thought if I did, maybe I would jinx it and it would all go away.

Thankfully, it hasn't and I FINALLY feel comfortable enough to say it, type it, SCREAM IT--WE'RE HAVING TWINS!!!!!

Not much to say about the first trimester, to be honest.  Overwhelming, scary, freaked out, but overall I physically felt pretty good.  Although it went fast, being petite and pregnant with twins, I've been changing fast!  Take a look....

I did find a bunch of fun "blogger-type" questions that I've been answering through this pregnancy.  I think I'll start posting them here as well!  So, here's the latest!

How far along?  15w, 6 d, 16 weeks tomorrow
Total weight gain/loss:  up to a consistent 115-116…on a good bloated day 117!
Maternity clothes?  Oh yes, when I’m in public.  At home it’s t-shirts and cotton shorts
Stretch marks? Not yet, but the belly be round, that’s for sure!
Sleep:  It’s ok. Laying on my side is hard still. My shoulder & hip starts to hurt to so roll to my other side, but rolling isn’t the easiest anymore, either.  I pretty much wake myself up, sit up, and then turn over.  It’s only going to get worse
Best moment this week: My mom was here to help with step 1 of office-turned-nursery transformation.  Got everything moved and organized to the basement! 
Have you told family and friends: Yes!!!  It was facebook official yesterday, Friday 6-15!  I put a picture with a pair of my shoes, Heath’s boots, and a 2 pairs of green & purple booties along with the caption, “Here’s our latest project!  We’re expanding our home by FOUR feet!!  Estimated completion date: November 2012!!!
 Miss Anything? Sort of missing wine, but I think it’s more the social aspect of it…I wetted my lips with my sis’ glass of wine the other night, yuck.  
Movement: the little flutters continue, but they quickly stop if I start pressing my tummy.  Need to try to not touch my belly when they start.
 Food cravings: Not really, still working hard to focus on high protein and cal intake, but I’m not charting my every meal anymore.  I figured out my average a day is around 2,500 cal and 100 g of protein.  I think I’m doing ok.  I’ve gained about 1 lb each week since charting.
 Anything making you queasy or sick:  the last week I’ve had 3 incidents where I felt sick and like I was going to pass out….coulda been low blood sugar, or maybe I got a little overheated.
Have you started to show yet: oh yah.
Gender prediction: 2 boys? Ha, I dunno.  Find out in 2 weeks!
 Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? Quickly becoming an outie!
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy…and tired!
Looking forward to: next week—meeting up with some old classmates on Thursday and appointment on Friday
Next Appointment: “first ob” appointment on Friday, 6-22.  I will have had to wait 3 weeks for this appointment.  Totally going crazy waiting to see them again.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Officially official! Updated!

Beta #1: 602 on Sunday 3/25/12!

To me it seemed crazy high, but I guess since I was testing positive 4 days before my beta (with a pretty good solid line) it makes sense.  If I would've had the beta done right away, it would have been much lower for the initial one.  Beta #2 tomorrow morning!!!!

Crossing our fingers that the number keeps growing, just like that lil bean in there!!!

Beta #2 Update!!!!
I went in for beta #2 this morning.  1,218!  Looks great, doubling well!  Next appointment will be for the big ultrasound to find the heartbeat!!!!  April 9th can't come soon enough!!! 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Unofficially offiicial.

Ok, I lied about holding out to test until Saturday.  Hell, I tested on an IC when I got home yesterday. LOL.  I busted out the big guns this morning before I told hubby.  He was cute!!  Poor guy, he was so confused at first and then so excited!  I woke him up at 5:30, which wasn't very nice of me, but I had to tell him!

 Here's a picture of the first digi I've ever taken!!!!

Here is the progression from my test from Monday (trigger "test"), yesterday's test, and this morning 's test (bottom).

I'm still going to be a little cautious; anything can happen and I know the beta will tell us much, much more.  Pray for us that this is our sticky bean and our beta is nice and high and this sweet baby inside of me is snuggled in and growing!!!!