This week was our first appointment with the maternal-fetal medicine doctor (MFM) as well as our big anatomy scan. We are lucky enough to have specialists from the University med center come out to Kearney once a month for these appointments, instead of us having to make the 3 1/2 hour drive to Omaha. As of right now, we're only needing to see them once a month, starting at 18 weeks (which is how far along I am right now!) Now, I appreciate the fact that they make the trip out here so we don't have to make the trip there, especially after our many drives there to see our RE. Of course, we would make the drive if we had to, but it's nice that it's one less thing we have to do. Or so I thought.
Our appointment was for 8:30 AM on Monday morning. After waiting for a half hour in the waiting room (pretty typical), we were finally taken back where the nurse did her thing: weight, urine sample, BP, etc. She tells us the doctor is still with her first patient and it would be a little while longer. She puts us in a room and we wait some more. Well, fast forward 45 minutes and the doctor's finally ready for us (mind you, we've been here for an hour & 15 minutes by this point, and I've peed once but of course have to go again). We go into the tiny ass room and she starts the ultrasound without so much as a 'Hi, I'm Dr. So'n'so' (again, first time EVER with the MFM). DH & I were already not impressed with our over hour long wait and this definitely put a sour taste in my mouth. It also didn't help that she looked like she had just rolled out of bed. I mean, literally. Her hair was in a messy pony tail and she wasn't wearing a bra. SHE WASN'T WEARING A BRA. (As if it wasn't already obvious, she then bent over to pull out the table when her probably too low cut top proceeded to reveal her goods to me.) Um. Ok. I guess they weren't kidding when they say "anatomy scan." I didn't realize a little peep show came with it.
She starts doing her thing without saying 2 words to us. We both start getting antsy because we have no idea what she's doing. DH starts asking questions and quickly she becomes annoyed (like, sighing, eye rolling, snide remarks and all) towards DH's questions (none of which were out of line, I didn't think.) Now, after I went online and bitched to the December due date group on the bump website and someone mentioned that typically MFMs don't want you asking a lot of questions because they are trying to get precise measurements, did this make sense. It would have been helpful if we had heard this from, oh, I don't know, our MFM?
About 20 minutes into the u/s I started feeling light-headed. I'm not sure if it was the constant pushing of the u/s wand on my extremely full bladder, the 103 degree tiny ass room I was in, or the fact that I was lying flat on my back (something that I haven't liked doing since about 15 weeks). After 5 minutes of trying to convince myself I was fine, I had to stop the ultrasound. The dr. helped sit me up and I started sweating profusely and seeing stars. The vaguely heard the doctor say she was going to get me some water when I asked DH to get the trashcan. There it was: my first, official pregnancy vomit. Awesome. As I'm puking, what do I do? Why, piss myself, of course. Double awesome. The whole fiasco required us to stop everything, get me water and a fan to cool that god forsaken hot ass room down, and go to the bathroom. 15 minutes later we were ready to roll again. Who the hell knows what time it is by now. We get going again and I felt okay for the rest of the time, but it still took forever.
We get to the end of the u/s and DH asks again if we can find out the sex. Her reply: "it's too early." (Sidenote: I had had an appt with my reg OB 10 days before, where my OB did look at the sexes. I told her I didn't want to know because DH wasn't with me. Bull shit it's "too early.") Finally she glances at baby A and says, "well, I don't see boy parts, so it must be a girl." She goes over to baby B and says, "well, this baby won't spread the legs, but there might be a penis. Boy." Uhhhh....could ya check again and be a little more thorough? So she looks at A again, "well, maybe this one's a boy." Wait-you just said girl?! Screw it. We left the doctor's office not actually knowing, so I decide to call and leave a message for my reg OB to call me when she's available. She calls back and I ask if she remembers what they were for 10 days ago (she didn't write it in the chart, I was sure to check with the nurse before we left.) Now, I know my OB has probably looked at over a 100 babies since she looked at mine. Her response, "I can't really remember, but I feel like I thought they were both girls." Wait, what?! Now, in the course of a half hour, we had been told girl-boy, boy-boy, and girl-girl. SO WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY?! Who the hell knows at this point.
The most frustrating part about this--we were planning a gender reveal party for this weekend. Well, cancel that. No genders to reveal. The waiting game begins again. July 23rd. They better be on their best behavior and give up the money shots. I'm tired of waiting!
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